Our December Employee Feature is Jim McGinty. Jim brings more than 25 years of experience in the financial services industry.
What is your current position at DWM?
Senior Wealth Advisor.
What do you like best about living in St. Pete?
I was born in St. Pete and have enjoyed watching the city change over the last 15 years. It’s truly remarkable. The downtown and waterfront is second to none for dining, arts, sports, education, and recreation. If you can’t find something fun to do here in St. Pete, you aren’t looking hard enough…
What do you like best about your day-to-day?
No one day is the same! As a trusted advisor for the folks who have hired us, each day brings its own set of challenges and rewards.
When you aren’t working, what’s your ideal day?
Being outdoors, preferably on the water with family.
Who has been most influential when it comes to your work?
My father – he instilled a work ethic at an early age.
What is one accomplishment you are most proud of in life?
My marriage and being a part of a happy, healthy and growing family.
Learn more about Jim and the entire DWM Team here.