It’s common practice for the president or CEO of a company to include a letter to shareholders in the annual report. Berkshire Hathaway’s chairman and CEO, Warren Buffett, doesn’t buck the trend. His annual letter ( captures plenty of attention, and this year was no exception. The focus is on... read more →
PART ONE: GENERAL PRINCIPLES It will be worth restating, even in the context of a letter primarily focused on the year just past, my overall philosophy of investment advice. It is goal-focused and planning-driven, as sharply distinguished from an approach that is market-focused and current-events-driven. Every successful investor I’ve ever... read more →
4 minute read Saving for a first home is not for the faint of heart. In 2018, the median purchase price of a home was $250,000, with 33 percent of buyers being first-time home buyers, stated by the National Association of Realtors (NAR). For first-time home buyers, a purchase of... read more →
Short-term market movements are unpredictable. That may sound like a blinding glimpse of the obvious, and likely something you have heard countless times and possibly shared yourself a time or two. Hopefully you agree that short-term market movements are truly unpredictable but understand what it really means – no one... read more →
First of all, let’s get started by briefly describing a yield curve. Please hang with me for a minute; you will like this. Below is a graph of the yield on US Treasury securities. The yield (interest rate) is on the vertical axis and the time period is on the... read more →
As the anniversary of the March 9, 2009 stock market bottom came and passed a few weeks ago, the bull that had been running roughshod over those nine years finally took a pause to catch its breath. Most of you have heard of one of the most recognizable and time-tested... read more →
The last several months since the election have been interesting, to say the least. Stocks have rallied to all-time highs, volatility seems to be nearly non-existent, and some investors seem to think there's nowhere to go from here but up. And yet, one could also argue that this has been... read more →
Has it really been eight years since the world emerged from the great panic? It was March 9th, 2009 when the S&P 500 reached an intra-day low point of 667, a 57% decline from its record in 2007. Since that day, the S&P 500 is up 250%. At 97 months... read more →
"In the short run, the market is a voting machine. In the long run it's a weighing machine." - Warren Buffett Rule #1: Don't fight the Fed. Rule #2: Never forget Rule #1. It appears that the Federal Reserve has succeeded. Low absolute interest rates around the world have created... read more →
When it comes to investing for the long run, it is always better to make a few good investments and then sit on your assets. In practical terms, turnover in an investment portfolio or fund is loosely defined as the percentage of a portfolio's or fund's holdings that have changed... read more →