Global markets have swung wildly in recent days, and it should serve as a good reminder that markets do not go up uninterrupted forever. Here is a simple recap of the month of August: The beginning of August saw the S&P 500 at 2,104. It fell to 1,868 on August... read more →
Twenty years ago Bill Bengen framed a complex question into an elegantly simple answer that remains relevant to the financial planning world and millions of retirees today, the so-called 4% rule. The 4% rule is a guideline used to ensure a retiree's portfolio will last for the rest of their... read more →
On March 4th, 2015, we will celebrate the 10 year anniversary of Doyle Wealth Management. What began in a modest office with a handful of dedicated staff members managing $47 million has grown to a team of over 10 staff and nearly $600 million in assets. We are grateful to... read more →
At Doyle Wealth Management, our job is ultimately to help our clients be prepared for a future that is unpredictable. That's it; it doesn't get much more complicated than that. For us to begin this job, all involved must first acknowledge two realities: Nobody can predict the future, and we... read more →
It seems lately that I am hearing more people ask, "The market is at an all-time high, should I sell? When is the correction coming?" I am curious as to why the question is being asked. Is it a matter of frame dependence? Is it human nature? Is it too... read more →