It’s common practice for the president or CEO of a company to include a letter to shareholders in the annual report. Berkshire Hathaway’s chairman and CEO, Warren Buffett, doesn’t buck the trend. His annual letter ( captures plenty of attention, and this year was no exception. The focus is on... read more →
2 minute read Have a smartphone or computer and some time to spare? If so, the Sharing Economy might be right up your alley as a retiree. Also known as Collaborative Consumption or the Gig Economy, this is a market where goods and services are shared rather than owned. The... read more →
5 minute read The terms associated with meat at the grocery store are endless. From “free-range” to “all natural” it can be tricky to know what is what. And of course, costs vary depending on what you purchase. Before making a decision at the store, a good starting point is... read more →
We are proud to welcome Keith Jaworski, CFA as our new Director of Research. He brings more than 25 years of industry experience including substantial experience managing institutional portfolios. That experience includes managing portfolios in excess of a billion dollars each for the County of Fairfax in Virginia, and Clark... read more →
4 minute read Grocery shopping is something that never ends in life. You will always need a budget for food. Not to mention, Americans spent more than 12 percent of their income on food in 2017, the third largest expenditure, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Here’s a few... read more →
4 minute read Can minimalism benefit retirees? Absolutely. That’s because whether or not you’re retired, the concept is simple: Clutter leads to stress. Declutter your space, declutter your mind. The Mayo Clinic points out how research is indicating minimalism might positively affect our well-being. For example, having too much clutter... read more →
Doyle Wealth Management is proud to welcome Josh Graben to the team as Tax Senior. In this role, Josh will work with clients and their wealth managers to help integrate tax planning strategies into their overall financial plans. Q&A with Josh Are you new to the St. Pete area? I’ve... read more →
1 minute read The Doyle Wealth Management Charitable Grant Program is fueled by the belief of the importance of giving back to the local community. The $10,000 program supports nonprofits in the St. Petersburg area each year. DWM is pleased to announce the 2018 Charitable Grant program recipients are: Clothes... read more →
3 minute read One of the deadliest diseases affecting Americans is Alzheimer’s Disease. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), “Alzheimer’s disease is not a normal part of aging,” but nonetheless, it affects 5.7 million Americans as of 2018. This disease, defined by the Alzheimer’s Association as,... read more →
3 minute read The word “organic” can make a wallet cringe. Glance at the prices of produce at your grocery store and you’ll quickly notice the cost of say, an organic apple, is always higher than the conventional apple. There’s also the common misconception that organic produce is good, conventional... read more →