It’s common practice for the president or CEO of a company to include a letter to shareholders in the annual report. Berkshire Hathaway’s chairman and CEO, Warren Buffett, doesn’t buck the trend. His annual letter ( captures plenty of attention, and this year was no exception. The focus is on... read more →
PART ONE: GENERAL PRINCIPLES It will be worth restating, even in the context of a letter primarily focused on the year just past, my overall philosophy of investment advice. It is goal-focused and planning-driven, as sharply distinguished from an approach that is market-focused and current-events-driven. Every successful investor I’ve ever... read more →
Short-term market movements are unpredictable. That may sound like a blinding glimpse of the obvious, and likely something you have heard countless times and possibly shared yourself a time or two. Hopefully you agree that short-term market movements are truly unpredictable but understand what it really means – no one... read more →
First of all, let’s get started by briefly describing a yield curve. Please hang with me for a minute; you will like this. Below is a graph of the yield on US Treasury securities. The yield (interest rate) is on the vertical axis and the time period is on the... read more →
Another year is in the record books, and we are fresh into 2018. So before we go too far, let’s take a brief look back over the past couple of years. 2016 started off with what was termed “the worst first six weeks in the equity market’s history.” The S&P... read more →
Bob was recently invited to talk about the Fiduciary rule on Bay News 9. See the video below:
Has it really been eight years since the world emerged from the great panic? It was March 9th, 2009 when the S&P 500 reached an intra-day low point of 667, a 57% decline from its record in 2007. Since that day, the S&P 500 is up 250%. At 97 months... read more →
The Department of Labor recently announced that it will postpone putting the fiduciary rule into effect. What does all this mean? First off, let's explain what the fiduciary rule is. Basically, "fiduciary" means "involving trust." So, in financial language, a fiduciary is someone you hire who owes you good faith... read more →
Doyle Wealth Management is pleased to announce our selection as a distinguished member of Forbes Magazine's list of America's Top 200 Wealth Advisors for 2016. (For the official release, please click here). This prestigious ranking, developed by SHOOK Research, is based on qualitative and quantitative data evaluating thousands of America's... read more →
Dear Clients & Friends, Doyle Wealth Management is pleased to welcome new Chief Investment Officer Michael J. Chren, CFA. Michael brings extensive research and investment experience to the firm. In his prior role as Senior Portfolio Manager of the Fidelity Large Cap Value Fund, Michael managed over $6 billion in... read more →